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While my heart is filled with joy because of all God has done in my life, my heart is also heavy for those who suffer, especially those from the recent hurricanes and those who are living the nightmare of the fires in California. I have also had the opportunity to speak to some who feel like life is hopeless and to quote one, “I am merely a shell. I have put my hopes and dreams in a box, sealed it and thrown it into the fire.”

How does a person get to such a low point when he or she has experienced the love of God?

Truly, we know the loss of hope comes not from God, who authors pure hope, but from the evil in the world that tells us God doesn’t hear our prayers and God doesn’t care about us. While we know that the truth of who Jesus is in our lives is the only thing that can set us free, the message of the world is so strong and life’s disappointments reinforce the lies, that it almost becomes impossible for some to hear the true message of hope. But God's love is bigger! God can and wants to break the chains that hold his chilren captive. So, in these days of trials and lies coming at us from so many directions, my prayer is for those who suffer.

Holy and compassionate God, may those who are experiencing suffering in any way know beyond a doubt your powerful love. I pray for protection around the hearts of believers so that the arrows that are being aimed at their hearts would not penetrate but be broken into pieces. I pray for broken relationships and those who feel they are not worthy of loved. For these and more I pray that hope would be restored and that your love would grasp each one so that he or she would know just how tall, deep and wide is your love. Lord, in your mercy, I also pray for your abundant provision for those who have suffered losses. Above all, Lord, I just want to praise you for your faithfulness and unconditional love that surrounds us always, no matter who we are. These things I pray in the powerful and almighty name of Jesus the Christ, Amen.

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