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SPRING, SUMMER, FALL and WINTER, we all have our favorite season of the year. As the old rhyme says, "Some like it hot; some like it cold." We can forget about whatever has been in the pot for nine days because even chili gets old after a while!

Each season has its own beauty and difficulties.

Spring is the time for new growth, expectant flowers bursting forth from the barren ground. It is also the season more allergies affect people.

Summer brings weather for playing, for more casual events and seeing the fullness of greenery all around. It also brings sunburn, heat stroke and the never-ending tasks of weeding and mowing.

Fall ushers in a kaleidoscope of colors as the leaves react to the changing temperatures. It also means extra preparations for the upcoming chilly weather.

Winter, of course, brings those temperatures that cause us to bundle up, sometimes shovel snow and chip ice, along with more dangerous driving conditions. It also brings relaxing times in front of a fire place, hot chocolate, making snow people and the celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I will be honest. I am a Fall and Winter gal. I grew up where multitudes of leaves crunched under my feet and piles of leaves beckoned me to jump in them (after raking them up, of course). Even now, if I see a pile of leaves I will purposefully walk through them just to hear the crunching under my feet. Fall also meant special celebrations and fresh, ripe pumpkins to pick and carve - and bake.

With colder temperatures necessitating winter coats and mittens, anticipation grew for the first snowfall. At least six inches of snow were needed to build our backyard ice rink. It was there every evening, I would practice and practice and share the JOY of accomplishment with family and friends with whom I skated. Plentiful snowfalls also meant the neighborhood kids would build tunnels and snow forts and we would usually see huge, mysterious icicles forming on almost every house in sight. Now, eventhough I am no longer as agile as I was back then, I am looking forward to a trip to Wisconsin this winter. I plan to build a snowperson with my grandsons, feel the snowflakes on my face and sit by a fireplace drinking hot chocolate.

There is JOY in both remembering and living in our favorite seasons. There is MORE JOY in knowing that in each of our lives we have seasons and it is by God's design. While memories can be delightful, just like the changing environment, seasons of change in our lives signify that God planned us to be resilient, to find the JOY and blessing in each season (even though there will be difficulties) and to bring JOY into the lives of others as they too journey through the seasons of their lives. We were created to live life to the fullest and to celebrate JOY overflowing from a heart that lives in the JOY of the Lord.

Imagine being the kaleidoscope of JOY for someone who feels alone or may be struggling. Think about what God designed for this very season in which you or I may find ourselves. Just as we anticipate the coming of our favorite season, Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall, we are given the privilege to look forward to each day and share the JOY God has designed for it.

“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love,

just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you

and that your joy may be complete.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

John 15:10-12 NIV

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